Illustration of person watering a plant to signify how your donation can grow services at The Shelter

Legacy Giving

Gift planning with The Domestic Violence Shelter is a creative process that adapts to the changing philanthropic needs and wishes of our supporters. Successful gift planning allows you to make charitable contributions in ways that maximize personal, family, and philanthropic goals. A range of charitable giving options can be tailored to meet your needs.

Philanthropy should not be complicated, nor should it require great wealth. When you give to The Domestic Violence Shelter, your gift should be simple to make. You choose what to give, how to give, and how your gift will be used. A planned gift may be designated to a specific program, to our Endowment Fund at the Richland County Foundation, or to general operations for the organization’s most pressing needs.

A variety of options are available to achieve your financial and philanthropic goals. You can choose a testamentary gift (which will occur after your lifetime), a deferred gift (which will happen at a future date set by you) or a life income gift such as such as a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Remainder Trust (a type of gift that will pay you and/or your spouse an income for life).

Assets you can use to make a gift:

  • Cash/Check
  • Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
  • Real Estate
  • Tangible Personal Property of Value (art, jewelry)
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Retirement Plan Assets and/or IRAs
  • Business and/or Partnership Interests

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